Ledwith, Houghton & Co. is a value oriented, full service CPA firm with clients primarily located on the San Francisco Peninsula. The firm had been at the same Palo Alto location since 1975 until our move to Redwood City in June 2001. Accounting services provided include individual and business income tax returns, monthly accounting, compilations, reviews and audits.
The firm has had a long standing philosophy of providing high quality service to small businesses and their owners, with an emphasis on technical competence, good communication and reasonable fees. We do not use the billable hour as a basis for fees, so clients are encouraged to call without expecting an invoice.
Areas of Expertise
With a current staff of seven, Ledwith, Houghton & Co. has extensive accounting and tax experience in the areas of professional service corporations, the construction industry, retail businesses, and non profit organizations. We also have performed substantial estate tax compliance work, and have experience in family law matters, business valuations, and litigation support. We recently completed our CSCPA Peer Review successfully, and our staff is current with all professional education requirements.
Typical services involve tax planning the fiscal year end to optimize the income tax goals of a small business and its owners, assisting in closings, then preparing related income tax returns and financial statements as required. Our focus on the personal tax planning for business owners has contributed to an increase in our individual tax practice, so that we now prepare over 900 returns for clients at various economic levels and diversity.
Areas of Growth
Changing tax laws and subsequent regulations necessitate ongoing tax planning for individuals. The firm invests substantial time in continuing education to assist and protect our clientele in this area. We have also seen an increase in accounting work pertaining to professional corporations, and in tax compliance work relating to estates and trusts.
We look forward to a continued commitment of quality services to our clients.
planning and preparation |
statements (compilation, review and audit) |
and gift planning |
Bookkeeping |
Payroll and payroll tax reporting |
Members, California Society of CPAs
Feel free
to call us or send us an e-mail.
directions to Ledwith, Houghton & Co.
From San Francisco take 101 south to Whipple Avenue exit. Turn left at light,
go over freeway to Frontage Road south. Proceed to Bair Island Road beyond
auto dealerships where road turns left. Building 643 is on left side, suite
105 is on ground floor.
From San Jose take 101 north to Whipple Avenue exit, turn right at light and
double back on Frontage Road to Bair Island Road as above.
From 280
take Woodside Road to 101, then north to Whipple.
Click here to print these directions with a map included.